Elenora, the RuneScape 3 Clan Discord bot that clan owners can't wait to get their hands on.
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Here are just a few features that Elenora has to offer. Join the support server with the "Get Started" button and you'll be able to get all the support you need to get Elenora up and running in your server!
Elenora comes with great support for clans. She can keep track of people who have visited or capped at the Citadel, as well as she can watch your member's experience, since joining the clan, to let you know when that member needs to be ranked up!
We are known to have an excellent uptime with Elenora. We try to ensure she is online 24/7 so that she can watch over your clan with you so that nothing gets missed.
The Development team here thrives on ensuring that the interface is as clean as possible so that you, the users, will always have a wonderful experience while using the bot for your own interests.
Elenora has some fantastic developers behind her that try to make things as simple for the user as possible, while still maintaining the best functionality as possible.
Join the support server with the "Get Started" button and you'll be able to get all the support you need to get Elenora up and running in your server!
Elenora, the RuneScape 3 Clan Discord bot that clan owners can't wait to get their hands on.