Elenora, the RuneScape 3 Clan Discord bot that clan owners can't wait to get their hands on.
Toggle which 120 icon you prefer
Toggle which 200 icon you prefer
Shows a little information on Elenora
Shows top 10 highest profit alchables
Check your action log <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Check your action log
/alog /alog Hiekki
Makes an embed for your announcement <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Makes an embed for your announcement
Manage Channels
/announce clan This is a clan announcement! /announce event This is an event!
Shows the time till the next Big Chinchompa
Toggles the borders on and off when virtual is turned on <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Toggles the borders on and off when virtual is turned on
/borders on
Shows time till the next Guthixian Cache
Simple RS3 calculations <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Barricade Calculations
Setting for Capping and a list of capped members since citadel reset <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
List currently capped users
Sets your citadel reset time
/capping list /capping reset Monday 03:00
Channel options for automated messages <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Set a channel for posts.
Remove a channel from posts.
Manage Channels
/channel Capping #general-chat /channel Members #general-chat /channel Needs Promotion #general-chat /channel Ranked Up #general-chat /channel Tickets #general-chat /channel Tracking #general-chat /channel Quotes #general-chat
Shows current location of the Circus
Sets clan information for a server <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Sets your clan name
Specify clan visits to post or not
/clan name The Awesome Saucers /clan visit on
Adds the clap to your message <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Adds the clap to your message
/clap this message
Shows how many clues you've completed <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Shows how many clues you've completed
/clues /clues Hiekki
Adds a comment to a hosting embed <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Add a comment to a hosting embed
Remove a comment from a hosting embed
/comment add oFndk3gt adding a note to this thing /comment remove oFndk3gt
Compare two RSN's side by side <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Compare two RSN's side by side
/compare Hiekki /compare Hiekki Hiekki
Shows how much XP a user has gotten in the clan <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Shows how much XP a user has gotten in the clan
/cxp /cxp Hiekki
Shows DXP for users in your clan
Shows your gains for the past weeks <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Shows your gains for the past weeks
/gains /gains Hiekki
Gives current in-game time
Headbutt a user mentioned in the server <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Headbutt a user mentioned in the server
/headbutt @Hiekki
Shows the Zamorak hiscores race <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Shows the Zamorak hiscores race
/hiscores 1
Host or Mass a bossing session <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Host a bossing session
Mass a bossing session
External Emojis
/host normal yaka /host normal raksha 03:00 /host mass nex 06:00 08/21
Hugs a user mentioned in the server <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Hugs a user mentioned in the server
/hug @Hiekki
Ignores a user for ranking <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Add a user to be ignored
Remove a user from being ignored
List currently ignored users
Manage Roles
/ignore list /ignore add Hiekki ignored for inactivity /ignore remove Hiekki
Shows info of a member in the clan <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Shows info of a member in the clan
/info /info Hiekki
Invites Elenora
Lookout! A lobster!
Displays the members of your clan <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Displays the members of your clan
/members rank /members xp
Displays todays stock in the Traveling Merchant
Mocks text that you input <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Mocks text that you input
/mock this message!
change a name of a clan member <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
change a name of a clan member
Manage Roles
/namechange Hiekki Hiekki
Shows current Nemi Forest Map
Shows the amount of people online
Shows Penguin locations for the current week
Shows the latency of Elenora
Manage your points system <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Gives points to RSN(s) for ranks
Removes points from RSN(s) for ranks
Sets how many points Caps and Visits give
Toggles point system on or off
Shows your point settings
Manage Roles
/points add events 10 Hiekki /points remove discord 10 Hiekki /points set cap 5 /points toggle on /points settings
Makes a poll with up to 20 options <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Makes a poll with up to 20 options
Manage Messages
/poll Should we do this? Yes Maybe No
Shows a list of portable locations <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Shows a list of portable locations
/portables /portables well
Punches a user mentioned in the server <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Punches a user mentioned in the server
/punch @Hiekki
Shows the quests you can do or all quests you have left <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Shows the quests you can do or all quests you have left
/quests all /quests eligible Hiekki
Lets you quote something someone said <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Create a new quote about something someone said
List quotes you have said or quotes about someone
/quote create I eat dirt. @Hiekki /quote list @Hiekki
Makes a raffle and chooses a winner <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Add items/people to a raffle and the bot chooses a winner.
Creates a raffle of people who have capped this week and chooses a winner.
Manage Channels
/raffle capped /raffle normal this, that, the other, thingy one, thingy two
Shows current Vorpago rotation
Rank settings for posts <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Shows a list of members that need ranks
Toggles reminder posts for ranked users
Manage Roles
/ranks list ranks /ranks reminders off
Shows time till the next Raven appearance
Shows current Spooder rotation
Rolls a number between 1 and 100
Shows current HM Barrows rotation
Store your characters name in the Bot <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Store your characters name in the Bot
/rsn Hiekki
Sets a certain rank to a desired XP amount <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Shows the list of current rank settings
Sets a certain rank to a desired XP amount
Manage Roles
/setrank list /setrank general 500m /setrank admin 1.5b
Shows your current settings for the bot
Shows time till the next Sinkhole
Calculates split for your team size <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Calculates split for your team size
/split 75m 3 /split 750m 7 1%
Look up a users stats <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Look up a users stats
/stats /stats Hiekki
Throws an item at someone mentioned <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Throws an item at someone mentioned
/throw bread @Hiekki
Ticket system setup <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Create the embed for your ticket system.
Edit your tickets embed.
Add a category to your tickets system.
Remove a category from your tickets system.
Close/archive the current ticket you're in.
Manage Threads
Create Private Threads, Send Messages In Threads, Manage Threads
/tickets embed title:New Tickets description:Click below to make a ticket! /tickets embed title:Tickets, but edited /tickets add category:Issues description:Have issues? role:@tickets emoji::lul: /tickets remove category:Issues /tickets close
Manage tracking options for acheesements <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Add a user to tracking
Remove a user from tracking
List currently tracked users
/track add Hiekki /track remove Hiekki /track list
Gives random trivia about Runescape
Shows the amount of XP given by Troll Invasion <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Shows the amount of XP given by Troll Invasion
/troll 99
Twitch setup for streamers <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Sets the channel and role for Twitch posts
Add a user to Twitch
Remove a user from Twitch
List current Twitch settings
/twitch setup #general-chat @Twitch /twitch add Hiekki /twitch remove Hiekki /twitch settings
Toggles your virtual settings on or off <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Toggles your virtual settings on or off
/virtual on
Shows list of people who visited the Citadel
Shows runes needed for making Vis Wax
Shows current active Voice of Seren
Shows time till next Warband
Lookup a users XP <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Lookup a users XP
/xp /xp Hiekki
Shows a little information on Elenora
Simple RS3 calculations <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Barricade Calculations
Gives current in-game time
Invites Elenora
Shows the amount of people online
Shows the latency of Elenora
Shows a list of portable locations <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Shows a list of portable locations
/portables /portables well
Toggle which 120 icon you prefer
Toggle which 200 icon you prefer
Check your action log <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Check your action log
/alog /alog Hiekki
Toggles the borders on and off when virtual is turned on <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Toggles the borders on and off when virtual is turned on
/borders on
Shows how many clues you've completed <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Shows how many clues you've completed
/clues /clues Hiekki
Compare two RSN's side by side <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Compare two RSN's side by side
/compare Hiekki /compare Hiekki Hiekki
Shows your gains for the past weeks <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Shows your gains for the past weeks
/gains /gains Hiekki
Shows the quests you can do or all quests you have left <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Shows the quests you can do or all quests you have left
/quests all /quests eligible Hiekki
Store your characters name in the Bot <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Store your characters name in the Bot
/rsn Hiekki
Shows your current settings for the bot
Look up a users stats <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Look up a users stats
/stats /stats Hiekki
Toggles your virtual settings on or off <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Toggles your virtual settings on or off
/virtual on
Lookup a users XP <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Lookup a users XP
/xp /xp Hiekki
Shows the time till the next Big Chinchompa
Shows time till the next Guthixian Cache
Shows current location of the Circus
Displays todays stock in the Traveling Merchant
Shows current Nemi Forest Map
Shows Penguin locations for the current week
Shows time till the next Raven appearance
Shows time till the next Sinkhole
Shows the amount of XP given by Troll Invasion <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Shows the amount of XP given by Troll Invasion
/troll 99
Shows runes needed for making Vis Wax
Shows current active Voice of Seren
Shows time till next Warband
Adds a comment to a hosting embed <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Add a comment to a hosting embed
Remove a comment from a hosting embed
/comment add oFndk3gt adding a note to this thing /comment remove oFndk3gt
Shows the Zamorak hiscores race <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Shows the Zamorak hiscores race
/hiscores 1
Host or Mass a bossing session <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Host a bossing session
Mass a bossing session
External Emojis
/host normal yaka /host normal raksha 03:00 /host mass nex 06:00 08/21
Shows current Vorpago rotation
Shows current Spooder rotation
Shows current HM Barrows rotation
Calculates split for your team size <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Calculates split for your team size
/split 75m 3 /split 750m 7 1%
Shows top 10 highest profit alchables
Adds the clap to your message <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Adds the clap to your message
/clap this message
Headbutt a user mentioned in the server <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Headbutt a user mentioned in the server
/headbutt @Hiekki
Hugs a user mentioned in the server <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Hugs a user mentioned in the server
/hug @Hiekki
Lookout! A lobster!
Mocks text that you input <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Mocks text that you input
/mock this message!
Punches a user mentioned in the server <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Punches a user mentioned in the server
/punch @Hiekki
Lets you quote something someone said <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Create a new quote about something someone said
List quotes you have said or quotes about someone
/quote create I eat dirt. @Hiekki /quote list @Hiekki
Rolls a number between 1 and 100
Throws an item at someone mentioned <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Throws an item at someone mentioned
/throw bread @Hiekki
Gives random trivia about Runescape
Setting for Capping and a list of capped members since citadel reset <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
List currently capped users
Sets your citadel reset time
/capping list /capping reset Monday 03:00
Sets clan information for a server <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Sets your clan name
Specify clan visits to post or not
/clan name The Awesome Saucers /clan visit on
Shows how much XP a user has gotten in the clan <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Shows how much XP a user has gotten in the clan
/cxp /cxp Hiekki
Shows DXP for users in your clan
Ignores a user for ranking <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Add a user to be ignored
Remove a user from being ignored
List currently ignored users
Manage Roles
/ignore list /ignore add Hiekki ignored for inactivity /ignore remove Hiekki
Shows info of a member in the clan <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Shows info of a member in the clan
/info /info Hiekki
Displays the members of your clan <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Displays the members of your clan
/members rank /members xp
change a name of a clan member <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
change a name of a clan member
Manage Roles
/namechange Hiekki Hiekki
Manage your points system <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Gives points to RSN(s) for ranks
Removes points from RSN(s) for ranks
Sets how many points Caps and Visits give
Toggles point system on or off
Shows your point settings
Manage Roles
/points add events 10 Hiekki /points remove discord 10 Hiekki /points set cap 5 /points toggle on /points settings
Rank settings for posts <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Shows a list of members that need ranks
Toggles reminder posts for ranked users
Manage Roles
/ranks list ranks /ranks reminders off
Sets a certain rank to a desired XP amount <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Shows the list of current rank settings
Sets a certain rank to a desired XP amount
Manage Roles
/setrank list /setrank general 500m /setrank admin 1.5b
Shows list of people who visited the Citadel
Makes an embed for your announcement <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Makes an embed for your announcement
Manage Channels
/announce clan This is a clan announcement! /announce event This is an event!
Channel options for automated messages <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Set a channel for posts.
Remove a channel from posts.
Manage Channels
/channel Capping #general-chat /channel Members #general-chat /channel Needs Promotion #general-chat /channel Ranked Up #general-chat /channel Tickets #general-chat /channel Tracking #general-chat /channel Quotes #general-chat
Makes a poll with up to 20 options <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Makes a poll with up to 20 options
Manage Messages
/poll Should we do this? Yes Maybe No
Makes a raffle and chooses a winner <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Add items/people to a raffle and the bot chooses a winner.
Creates a raffle of people who have capped this week and chooses a winner.
Manage Channels
/raffle capped /raffle normal this, that, the other, thingy one, thingy two
Ticket system setup <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Create the embed for your ticket system.
Edit your tickets embed.
Add a category to your tickets system.
Remove a category from your tickets system.
Close/archive the current ticket you're in.
Manage Threads
Create Private Threads, Send Messages In Threads, Manage Threads
/tickets embed title:New Tickets description:Click below to make a ticket! /tickets embed title:Tickets, but edited /tickets add category:Issues description:Have issues? role:@tickets emoji::lul: /tickets remove category:Issues /tickets close
Manage tracking options for acheesements <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Add a user to tracking
Remove a user from tracking
List currently tracked users
/track add Hiekki /track remove Hiekki /track list
Twitch setup for streamers <> = Required Argument | [] = Optional Argument
Sets the channel and role for Twitch posts
Add a user to Twitch
Remove a user from Twitch
List current Twitch settings
/twitch setup #general-chat @Twitch /twitch add Hiekki /twitch remove Hiekki /twitch settings
Elenora, the RuneScape 3 Clan Discord bot that clan owners can't wait to get their hands on.